# Ansible Playbook Experiments Paid for by [Bryan Black](https://bringyourwallet.com/donate), for the benefit of all lazy sysadmins. [What's ansible?](https://docs.ansible.com/) Special thanks to the helpful devs that contributed their expertise. ## What can these playbooks do? Features | Ubuntu | Debian | FreeBSD | -------------------------------------------------|--------|--------|---------| 💾 [Update packages and OS][pkg_upd] | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ☁️ [Make & Cleanup EC2 AMI snapshots][ami] | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🎛 [User account and dot file management][usr_mgmt] | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | [pkg_upd]: /package_updates [ami]: /cleanup_ami_snapshots [usr_mgmt]: /add-users-groups-authorized_keys-dot-files --- ![](https://cdn.ipfu.org/git/assets/gif/shell-ansible-experiments.gif) ## Contributors Thanks goes to these wonderful people: | [
Serge van Ginderachter](https://github.com/srgvg)
[📖](https://github.com/stationgroup/ansible-experiments/commits?author=srgvg) | [
Bryan Black](https://bringyourwallet.com)
[📖](https://github.com/stationgroup/ansible-experiments/commits?author=reelsense) | [
Vincent Van der Kussen](https://github.com/vincentvdk)
[📖](https://github.com/stationgroup/ansible-experiments/commits?author=vincentvdk) | | :---: | :---: | :---: | Contributions of any kind are welcome! # Top Supporters Monthly supporters only. Amount | Supporter Name | Supporter Domain -----------|---------------------------|------------------------ $50/month | [Tugger Hosting][thgh] | [tuggerhosting.com][th] [reelsense]: https://github.com/reelsense [byw]: http://frothymix.info [thgh]: https://github.com/TuggerHosting [th]: https://tuggerhosting.com/ [ydn]: https://yelladognetworks.com ## Support Development ### **[Support Now](https://bringyourwallet.com/donate)** ## Community Discussion Text and voice chat on the public mumble server. **Join the Public Mumble** Server: `pub.bringyourwallet.com` Port: `64738`